Revisited: Transitioning to Future Fuels with the GCMD’s Lynn Loo

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Green fuels have the potential to move the dial on reaching zero emissions. However, the complex nature of overhauling fuel supply chains and a lack of infrastructure present a barrier for the shipping industry. It's essential that collaboration amongst stakeholders is expanded and made more transparent if we are going to continue to trial and roll out green and biofuels.

This week, we’re taking you back to Season 1 for a conversation with Lynn Loo, CEO of the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization (GCMD). Lynn is also the Theodora D. '78 and William H. Walton III '74 Professor in Engineering and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, currently on leave from Princeton University. She combines her academic background and creative rigour to conduct field studies on carbon capture, green fuels, and other methods that the industry may be able to use to reach zero emissions.

Before GCMD, Lynn was the Director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, where she commissioned the Rapid Switch Initiative and the Net-Zero America Study, which has actively influenced key decision-makers globally.

In this conversation, Lynn breaks down the types of 'green fuels' available on the market today and shares insights into three different trials that the GCMD has been conducting with industry players.

The world is in a climate crisis and all industries must do their part to reach Zero emissions. Maritime trade is critical to today’s society. But is also responsible for 2.8% of all greenhouse gases. A future where global trade reaches zero emissions is possible. But how do we actually get there? In this podcast, we’re sitting down with thought leaders to explore the inner workings of global trade, its massive impact on our society, and the obstacles it faces navigating its way to zero.

About Lynn Loo: LinkedIn Profile
About the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization: Website
About ZeroNorth: Website
About Lora Jakobsen: LinkedIn Profile
Revisited: Transitioning to Future Fuels with the GCMD’s Lynn Loo
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